Sunday, October 16, 2011

Who doesnt want to be Oprah Winfrey?

The portion of this week's readings that stood out the most to me was The Oprah Winfrey Interview technique for checking student's reading comprehension skills. The activity consists of interviewing the various characters of the book and having a group conversation by interacting with the "audience" as well as the character being interviewed. After the teacher has modeled for the children by acting as Oprah, the teacher may then pass the role to a child. I think this technique is a fun and exciting way to ensure that the children are comprehending the story. Implementing activities such as these, allows the teacher to assess the skills of each child and also demonstrates that learning can be fun! I believe that children learn best when they don't even realize that they are doing school work. This is a good example of that type of learning activity. Reading comprehension is one of the most important skills for children to master because without it, reading will never be enjoyable for a child because the words be meaningless, which is why having engaging reading comprehension activities is so vital.


  1. I really enjoyed your post this week. I somehow completely overlooked this activity when reading, and I can see it's usefulness. I really liked your comment about how learning best takes place when the child doesn't realize it's school work. I think this is so true.

  2. I loved your Oprah post! Being a devoted Oprah fan, I think using this interview technique is a great one for checking comprehension. It's so important for teachers to make students feel special and unique. So by interviewing them personally, it shows them that you genuinely care for how they feel about a story. Thanks for sharing!
